Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Calling

One of the things that I have found since retirement is that I like to write. Although I started before retirement, I now have four blogs that I publish: Peripheral Futurist, iPhone Perspectives, Boomer Matters, and Waxing Political. I love to write, but a thought that occurs to me often occurs when I am away from my computer. The result has been to take notes on my iPhone and then expand on them when I get to my laptop and I have the time. Unfortunately, the material I wanted to wrote about is dated by the time I get around to publishing it. Worse, the notes make little sense by the time I have time to write.

To address these issues, I have been researching an iPhone-based blogging application that would enable me to blog-on-the-go. I tried free ones--Sho-Zu (couldn't get it to publish); LifeCast (couldn't get it to publish); and BlogWriter Lite (can only publish to one blog).

After much research, I finally purchased iBlogger which is what I am using now. This is my first try at it and I am composing with the application while sitting in a Starbucks.

These type portable applications multiply the functionality and value of devices such as the iPhone and open up new avenues of possible revenue to the retiree. At a minimum, it provides an additional communication means.

Mobile Blogging from here.

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