Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Moving to the Next Career

I took early retirement from my present job on November 30th and am now embarking on my second career. Exactly what that career will be I am not sure. The past 34 years have been in Information Technology and consulting related to that field. In a way I would sort of like to pursue something different. I believe that many of my skills and talents would transfer to a variety of other opportunities, but it will be interesting to see if I end back in IT.

With that said, I am taking a sabbatical during the month of December and using that time to look at other opportunities. I will then hit the ground running in January.

I am sure that others are passing along this same route. If you have suggestions, I invite you to post and we can take this ride together.

1 comment:

amckinnis said...

The first comment on your blog -- I feel very privileged!! I personally will miss you from work, but also know that this journey is going to be fun and exciting (and sure a little scary at times also). See you around the virtual water cooler!!