Friday, November 7, 2008

The Post Boomer Generation

I suspect that this last election felt to the younger generations much as the election of JFK did to many Baby Boomers. Back then it was a passing of the torch from our grandparents to our parents. This time it is a passing of the torch from us to our children.

I feel bad that we have left them with an economy that is in shambles; a National Debt that is the highest in history; an armed forces that is spread way too thin with inadequate equipment and inadequate post service support; a failing educational system; a deteriorated infrastructure from roads to electric power; terrible air and water pollution; numerous species driven close to extinction; our landscape scarred from numerous strip-mining and oil shale extraction; an almost exhausted oil supply with no ready replacement; a decimated middle class; and sky-rocketing obesity and diabetes.

The good news is that religious fundamentalism is at a level not seen since the Salem witch trials; pornography is easier to obtain than it has ever been in history; the current president has made torture okay again; we now lock up people without the right to habius corpus; the FBI can wiretap you without a warrant; sales of assault rifles and guns are at an all-time high; the number of people without healthcare is at an all-time high; the number of people in poverty is at an all-time high; and we've managed to create a few new diseases such as HIV just to keep you on your toes.

Given the outstanding stewardship of the country while under our care, all we ask in return is that you provide us with a reasonable pension, comprehensive healthcare, adequate housing at at reasonable cost, plenty of parks to while away our time, and an infinite number of cable TV channels playing reruns of Dynasty and Magnim, PI.

No need to thank us. Really.

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